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Thursday, 20 September 2012

Quotes about Photography

Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art.
- Ambrose Bierce

It's weird that photographers spend years or even a whole lifetime, trying to capture moments that added together, don't even amount to a couple of hours.
- James Lalropui Keivom

Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner.
- Ad-Noch

Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure.
- Tony Benn

I just think it's important to be direct and honest with people about why you're photographing them and what you're doing. After all, you are taking some of their soul.
- Mary Ellen Mark

Photography records the gamut of feelings written on the human face, the beauty of the earth and skies that man has inherited, and the wealth and confusion man has created. It is a major force in explaining man to man.
- Edward Steichen

A photograph is usually looked at - seldom looked into.
- Ansel Adams

The world just does not fit conveniently into the format of a 35mm camera. - W. Eugene Smith

I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it.

A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. - Eudora Welty

I think the best pictures are often on the edges of any situation, I don't find photographing the situation nearly as interesting as photographing the edges.
- William Albert Allard

Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.
- Dorothea Lange

Photography is a major force in explaining man to man.
- Edward Steichen

There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.
- Ansel Adams

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.
- Ansel Adams

To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event.
- Henri Cartier-Bresson

My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph.
- Richard Avedon

I hate cameras. They are so much more sure than I am about everything.
- John Steinbeck

The departure of our boys to foreign parts with the ever-present possibility that they might never return, taught the real value of photography to every father and mother. To many a mother the photograph of her boy in his country's uniform was the one never-failing consolation.
- Louis Fabian Bachrach

The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer.
- Ade

All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget. In this - as in other ways - they are the opposite of paintings. Paintings record what the painter remembers. Because each one of us forgets different things, a photo more than a painting may change its meaning according to who is looking at it.
- John Berger


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